YOU light up your life!

What are your self limiting beliefs of the day? Investigate into your psyche and ask your self honestly:

..which dreams have you given up silently?
..what have you presumed about what it is that Life has not given you/cannot give you/should not give you??
..Are you aware of the myriad forms your dreams and aspirations can take? Or are you through the lens of self-limiting beliefs only focussing on the The Only One Possible Way Your Dream Must Manifest??
..Who said this?
..When you were growing up, did you concentrate on all the probable ways your Life will not pan out as you wish or did you light up like a christmas tree upon just thinking of What You Would Like To Be when you grew up??
..Why is NOW any different?
..Are you really asking for a fulfilling vocation/career/hobby or are you stuck in what you believe is POSSIBLE REALISTICALLY SPEAKING????
..Who decides your limiting reality?
..Identify your notions about LIFE and your Self and stay with the feelings that come up when you feel like IT IS ALL OVER..or I AM TOO OLD..etc etc. This is when you acknowledge what requires your attention. Stay with these emotions with love and reassure your self that it is a doorway..magically opening up the next moment to the infinite possibilities and miracles!

Above all, support yourself with loving kind and generous to your self and then step back and marvel at what unfolds before your very own eyes!!! Life always wants to give you the very best to you..just accept and embrace it with gratitude and trust.

Ring out the Old, Ring in the New

As the year 2010 draws to the end, we can all mentally acknowledge all the things, big and small that we appreciate and are grateful for..for we are very blessed and privileged indeed!

What will be on your list?

Make this your annual tradition and throw out the New Years Resolutions..they only serve to make you feel incomplete or that you are somehow not perfect as you are NOW.

Guilt has never created long lasting changes for anyone and there is no fun in it!

I wish you a safe and magical holiday season and lots of beautiful thoughts all through..


Walking through Illusion

In this very insightful book, the message of Jesus and his teachings are presented in the form of the dialogues and questions the writer wanted answered.

As with all spiritually evolved teachers Jesus' teaching focussed on the central theme of love and acceptance..On free will..on the choice between fear and love that is available to everybody in each moment..On the true nature of our essence...On the inner state of joy and peace which accompanies every love-centred action and thought.

The book is divided into various chapters with one theme as its focus, for example Morality etc. This is then followed by questions to ponder, a short journaling exercise and a personal insight by the author. This was my favourite part as it allowed me to open up my mind to questions I might not have asked myself before. Asking the questions inevitably brings the answers that are most fulfilling to self. This practice of self-inquiry which leads to self awareness is the doorway into learning Jesus' message experientially.

Also this is not the Jesus who judges, condemns and makes you feel sinful or scared. To me, a Hindu by religion it was the Jesus I always suspected. Kind, Wise, Loving and Inspirational.

A great book to gift or read for the Holiday season!

On Money and Abundance

I had a client come in the other day very distressed and seething with anger because her fiancé had just blown their entire savings on furniture. She was going to move in with him in about 6 months and so they were looking to start anew together. A brand new phase called for brand new things.

What upset her most was the fact that he did not care that they now had virtually no savings and that the stuff her fiancé had bought was on an impulse. She felt it could wait and be bought slowly over a period of time. His rationale was that he did not allow money to control him. She on the other hand was fearful that this might not be the first or the last time. She did not feel comfortable not having any savings in the bank and was nervous about how life together was going to pan out. Was she going to have to always be worried about the future? What about her hard earned savings?? She also admitted that she was feeling mildly depressed and had been brooding all week long.

How often have we all struggled with issues around money? Or have watched others around us grapple with prosperity and abundance like it was a puzzle that they just found too hard to solve!

The belief systems that both my client and her fiancé had about money were equally limited in their nature. My client believed it was a finite entity that was to be held on to tightly lest it all slip away and there is nothing left. The fiancé on the other hand believed that there was no guarantee what the future will be like, it is now or never. Buy it now and regret later. As the law of the universe states that what we focus upon grows. Both beliefs were limited because of the nature in which they manifested as feelings in them. One was feeling angry, depressed and moody. The other impulsive, impatient and self-righteous.

I suggested to my client to view this as an unusual opportunity to address her limited beliefs about money and also as an opening to a new way of communicating with her fiancé. The talk about how they would spend, draw up some rules around spending limits and also share their insecurities about money. Be grateful that this has come up for their mutual acknowledgement and use it to strengthen both their relationship and also their sense of security around money issues.

There was also the issue about my client being uncomfortable about her fiancé being too generous and lenient about giving money to his family.  Now while this is certainly compensatory behavior on the part of the fiancé, the fact remains that his outlook on money cannot impinge on the health of my client until and unless she allows it. The only way to allow others to be who they are and allow them to learn the lessons they will ultimately learn can only happen when we allow ourselves first. My client had to learn to allow her to be generous to her self and not be scared by limiting beliefs about money. Her fiancé too needed to not attach his sense of self-worth to his ability to shell out cash to needy family members. Instead he had to form a new thought pattern that he valued money and used it to empower others, not just to make him self feel good temporarily.

The fact remains that money is a human concept invented for convenience and out of a sense of maintaining order and justice. So therefore if you ask yourself what are your beliefs about Money you will realize that it is the meaning you give to the piece of currency that either gives you a sense of power or to make you feel like a helpless victim.

If you believe that money is equal to your sense of self worth and value then of course you will defend it vehemently at the cost of your own sense of peace and wellbeing. There will be a need to save and store; a sense of guilt when you spend more than you had promised yourself; anger and rage at the thought of losing it; inability to share and give generously.

On the other hand if your beliefs about money are limitless, abundant and constantly increasing then there is no real threat to your sense of wellbeing and peace. There will be no shopping sprees and crazy designer brand obsession because you know that there is always enough and that your skills, abilities and intuitive guidance will always ensure that you have enough for yourself and enough to give others.

This is a season of giving and therefore lets share what we have and give what we can rest assured in the knowledge that all the money we ever want is here and now in the planet seeking a way to access you if only you would allow it to enter your life through your belief system.

“My income is constantly increasing and I attract prosperity and abundance wherever I go”


What is the difference between intuition and a negative thought? That was my source of confusion at the time I believed I was the sum total of all my thoughts. Amongst many other similarly crazy beliefs!
Now I can say with total confidence that there is absolutely no similarity between the two whatsoever! Like Chalk and Cheese.
Intuition comes as a feeling in the gut. A strange sensation in your belly. A constriction in your throat. A flashing image. A wave of red-hot heat running down your back. Butterflies in your stomach.
A negative thought on the other hand is fear masquerading as the voice of reason and logic. It is repetitive, reactive and mostly based in the past. It is fear appointed by the mind to execute terror in the form of very sophisticated combination of words and sentences.
Next time you are undecided about something, ask the question with your mind and not to it. Then get the answer by inquiring your Self. The part of you that feels and senses. Become curious and remain open to what needs to reveal itself to you. Usually the answer might even come days and moments later. Odd places and circumstances. Like a bathtub as Archimedes was to find out!
Most importantly trust what is revealed to you. That is your intuition.
Eureka Eureka you have got it!! J


"Everything I choose to believe about myself and life ultimately becomes true for me" Louise Hay.

From somebody who perpetually perceives the glass as half full, I have often wondered out of curiosity about those who observe with equal conviction that the glass is in fact half empty! After all why not choose the wonderful feelings of abundance, safety and gratitude which accompany the positive observation of our physical environment?
Our outer world is often referred to as a mirror of our inner world to the extent that you will always find evidence of your beliefs manifest in your world so you can ironically claim," I THOUGHT as much"! Ironical because we now continue to believe that which we have created for ourselves even if it makes us suffer through negative emotions and self limiting beliefs.

The only thing which comes between you and an event/person/experience/circumstance/life is the meaning you attach to it. In other words how you choose to perceive it.Perception lies between joy and discontentment. Love and Loathing. Feelings of wholeness and emptiness. Achievement and failure. Forgiveness and illness...etc

The wonderful law of the universe however gives us limitless opportunities to correct all our perceptual errors. How? When we feel the true depth of our infinite self through love and gratitude, we change our very self-perception that hitherto was keeping us in the dark. We feel our own magnificence when have perceived correctly. Correct perception comes floating on the coattails of authentic thoughts.How do you know an authentic thought? Ask yourself how your body feels? Joyous, safe and content? Or Angry, sad or resentful? 

Manage your perception so it allows you to feel good, powerful and joyous! Your true state.


Think through the unchallenged mental conditioning you have been subject to when you unconsciously hold on to old hurts, past events or even people who no longer belong in your current reality or experience. What are you holding on to exactly? A faint memory? A poor copy of what was? A self-righteous resentment towards things,people,places etc to remind you constantly of your victim state? Or are they fleeting feelings and emotions which pretend to make you feel superior, loved and safe?

But you have to ask yourself, "Why am I then not feeling at peace? Why am I not feeling the overwhelming sense of completeness that accompanies every authentic thought?

Because only YOU know what your mind has chosen to ignore. The truth. The truth of the present moment. That this pristine present moment is all that you ever really need to feel safe, secure, loved and whole. Your higher self knows this sacred truth and reminds you each time you are aware of your negative emotional state and emotions..its like a little flag which points to you that you are not in sync with the highest truth of your existence. The past has no power over YOU.

Allowing yourself the lightness of experience that comes from fully engaging with your present reality brings a freshness of perspective which did not exist before. A sense of "All is Well" and that everything is unfolding at the perfect time for the perfect reasons. 

So go on, let go. Let go. After all it is only a thought. A perceptual error which has to be managed better by YOU.Choose your birthright to be free of all mental limitations and choose Forgiveness, Compassion and Love again. Like you did when you first became aware of your SELF.


To have the thought,"Maybe he/she does not love me anymore', "I do not have the ability to do this", "'I will do that when I have a bigger house/more money/get thinner", "I cannot show my true emotions, it will make me seem weak", "This has to happen now or else I am a total failure" etc etc is the very FIRST step in recognising that these are the same mental patterns which bring about the negative emotional states of fear and distrust. Being aware of them is the primary access point to actually transforming them into a source of strength which we were not aware of before!

Next time you have these thoughts realise that you have left the present moment and are dangling in the mind's favourite hang- out place:"The FUTURE"! The only way to foster more trust is by remembering that YOU are in charge of the thoughts you have. If particular thoughts do not allow you to connect with your ever-present inner joy and faith; let them pass without judgement. Much like a house guest. Why? Because they are after all in your house..your sanctuary.

Our minds want a rationale for trusting a particular event or person , it asks ,"but give me the full facts of the case here before we can proceed here..". That proof can of course never be satisfactory as the mind which shuts out our true voice also regularly shuts out daily miracles that are unfolding everywhere. Infact we could counter the mind by asking,"how can I not trust?? look at the beautiful universe andthe love I am always surrounded by".

Once the mind slowly stops its chatter, what is left is but a sense of overwhelming peace. The hang-out place for TRUST! :)

Cold turkey!

Addictions and bad habits

Acknowledge your bad habits and addictive behaviour without imposing the usual criticism and instead discover the place and purpose they serve for you. To change the habits that are self sabotaging and self destructive are actually there so you can learn "what is going on unnoticed within you". Moreover it is vital that you engage your commitment to changing your behaviour by tapping into your vast reserve of free will. This means you feel a surge of positive energy and optimism when u r ready to release or let go of old addictions n habits. Imagine or visualize jumping with joy and if this vision is actually conflicting with you at the level of your basic self then u r not ready. Discipline and self control are very short term solutions usually designed to trigger your guilt conscience. This only further depletes your focus and power.  Instead focus on the source of the addictions by investigating what need it is fulfilling.

The Biology of Belief


This groundbreaking book which I still have to finish is absolutely phenomenal. Epigenetics is finally silencing the critics in the scientific world that chuckle at the idea of the body's amazing power to heal itself.

Every cell in our body holds the key to the overall experience of health and wellbeing. That is easy to agree with. But the fact that a change in the structure of even one cell with the power of our imagination and thoughts can cure us from even life threatening illnesses is the real jewel in this book.

Read it, savour it and feel the power that is within each of us.

Our incredible body is always communicating with us, listen to it with love and compassion.

Our Deepest Fear..

Absolutely love this beautiful and touching book by Marianne Williamson. I would like to share an excerpt from this book:

Let your Light Shine!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light , not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves,
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually who are you not to be?
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people wont feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to manifest the glory of the Universe
that is within us.
Its not just in some of us; its is in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.


A 1 day mental detoxification workshop held in a beautiful part of Ibiza.

Set yourself free from mind made barriers and mental limitations to open up a Universe of Limitless Possibilities and Personal Expansion!

It is time to savor the true taste of FREEDOM!

Do you want Freedom from

Negative thoughts? Guilt? Resentment? Self-criticism? Old unconscious patterns of thinking? Fear? Loneliness? Confusion? Self Sabotage? Anger?

Freedom to truly know who you really are and what you are made of!

Learn practical strategies and equip yourself with the tools necessary for you to manifest your best life yet! Discover new ways to bring more awareness into your daily lives and your inner connectedness.

This workshop is based upon a phenomenally successful philosophy that has helped transform lives and heal millions around the world since 1988!

What is covered in the 2-Day workshop?
·       The Damage caused by our unexamined Negative thoughts.
·       Manifestation of unresolved emotional patterns as Illnesses in our Bodies.
·       The Mind-Body Unity.
·       Cultivating higher awareness of our destructive behaviors.
·       Releasing the Past and Embracing Ourselves fully and unconditionally.
·       The Power of Affirmations and Creative Visualization.
·       Releasing the past and opening up to a world of new possibilities.

 And Much More!!!!

Register your interest at

SHINE 2010 proudly hosted by Dr Ari exclusive to Melbourne!!!

SHINE 2010 proudly hosted by Dr Ari exclusive to Melbourne!!!

Are you ready to discover your own heroic brilliance?

Starting in May 2010, I am proud to host SHINE-2010 at Diskin Life for all my valued clients and their family and friends. This two-day workshop is the brainchild of internationally respected author, teacher and coach, James Stratford whose most recent book; Discover the Hero Within, was published in Spanish in 2009. James Stratford is a recognized expert on the hero’s journey having spent over 15 years researching and practicing the wisdom of the ancient and modern heroic traditions.
By James’ side will be Nivedita Mehta who is a Melbourne-based consultant and coach in emotional wellbeing specializing in Thought Awareness and Visioning.

Best of all the 1st day is FREE!!!

Go to for more details and registration!

Understanding from Being instead of Thinking

The holy trinity on which all health depends upon is that of the Mind, Body and the Spirit. Any misalignment in these causes an imbalance of the elements which make up our sense of wellbeing. Caroline Myss's wonderful book "Defy Gravity" implores us to surrender to our own internal healing mechanisms by giving up the intellectual investigation of the illness and its causes. This is because healing is different from curing.
How is one to grasp fully that which lies in the realm of the magical unknown universe of our body?? How can we even imagine to outthink that which has created us?? But alas, we the thinkers only permit rationale, logic and reason into the world of health and wellbeing. By doing this we ignore an important aspect of our own healing: that the mind and the body is ONE. Therefore that which is sick cannot see beyond its own sickness..the very mental package that has led the body to a certain imbalance cannot therefore reorganise itself as it does not include itself in the process of healing. Its like telling the blind to lead you down the alley.
So give up the need to always know the how and why and instead trust the process of life to keep you safe and give you whatever it is that you need to grow and get better on the journey.

SHINE 2010 proudly hosted by Dr Ari exclusive to Melbourne!!!

Are you ready to discover your own heroic brilliance?

Starting in May 2010, I am proud to host SHINE-2010 at Diskin Life for all my valued clients and their family and friends. This two-day workshop is the brainchild of internationally respected author, teacher and coach, James Stratford whose most recent book; Discover the Hero Within, was published in Spanish in 2009. James Stratford is a recognized expert on the hero’s journey having spent over 15 years researching and practicing the wisdom of the ancient and modern heroic traditions.
By James’ side will be Nivedita Mehta who is a Melbourne-based consultant and coach in emotional wellbeing specializing in Thought Awareness and Visioning.

Best of all the 1st day is FREE!!!

Go to for more details and registration!

Breathing In and Breathing Out

So often we have trouble letting go..letting go of the stuff that holds us back. We find ourselves invisible barrier which we cannot quite put a finger on it. It got me thinking how easy it is exhaling after a fundamental necessity to live! Our body intuitively guides us to let go that which until a few seconds ago was sustaining us, inundating us with animating vitality..and then ever so easily and naturally completing the cycle of nature..letting go.

Lets remind ourselves the importance of allowing things, ideas, places, people and events to go away from your life with love and wisdom..As it is only true nature of our spirit. Dont hold your breath for too long for anything!

Astrology for sceptics

The other day I was amused to find that my key strengths from a respectable Psychometric Survey mirrored what I knew all along. That I was a Sagittarius with a Leo ascendant!! Yes, to the extent that the top four of my key strengths were what is described in the opening description of the astrological sun sign. This made me chuckle! Only because I have always had weird and quizzical glances whenever I happen to mention the topic of astrology to my friends and sometimes acquaintances. Its almost a silent, "you are way too intelligent to believe i that rubbish". And so I usually never discuss this any further.

However this survey designed by a world renowned psychologist only confirmed that which I always was inclined to believe...that there is truth to Astrology. As much as I agree that a newspaper column foretelling your future is the tragedy of commercial astrology whereby a very generalist (and therefore useless) reading misguides its readers, there is the newspaper itself. I mean how much published today in the media can we really believe?? What is the benchmark or proof for us to say," yes, I believe this". Can we ever accept that which is not tested in a laboratory? What about Social Psychology and all its constructs? The experiments are used as a basis for social policy, school curriculums, recruitment practices..etc etc. Are we to blindly follow the precepts laid out in a Social Lab only because it has apparent academic rigour?? But it is not true! The end of every published psychological theory or experiment ends with a note of limitations and exceptions. Hmmm.

So to wrap up, if you don't believe your personality has any relation to your birth date and least know what you are rejecting.


Slaying the Jabberwock!

After watching Tim Burton's version of the children's classic Alice in Wonderland by the lovely Lewis Carroll, I was delighted to be entertained by a film that was as engaging as it was deeply philosophical. The universal themes of our true identity and purpose, the question of waking up from the dream (of life) and the battle between good and evil (which ultimately reside in our heads) are as relevant today as they were when this gorgeous book was published way back in1865!

I was especially moved by the scenes where Alice finds herself either TOO TALL or TOO SMALL..never being the appropriate size until she is finally ready to take on her role as the champion destined to put an end to the evil Big Headed Queen wrecking havoc across the land! The scene with the vulnerable and high spirited Mad Hatter at the Tea Party was hilarious. The incessant chattering that cannot be stopped once it has been unleashed is a perfect reflection of our own inner mental noises..that feeling that you are going completely insane! It does take a little shaking up before the Mad Hatter is relatively brought under control for the time being. The completely ludicrous Queen and her knight in not-so-shining armour are perfect examples of our own irrational ego-based personality which is only driven by insecurity and further failing to realise the superficial and unreal elements that surround it. The delusion of grandeur and persecution is a constant backdrop to her every move and impulse. As she hollers,"Off with his head" at every intolerable insult imagined, it is the sheer darkness of her intentions that reign superior. Is it any surprise that at the end of the dream, when the Jabberwock is finally overcome the Big Headed Queen along with her unsuitable Knight is banished away forever..without a friend or owed any kindness whatsoever.

The line that Alice keeps repeating in the movie is," This is my dream and I will decide how it will end" is such a powerful affirmation, touching on the foundation of free will and the realisation of our own power to create our reality just the way we choose. From the world we want to inhabit to the characters and events we want to include in our canvas of Life.

Finally when one awakens from this deep sleep of unconsciousness and isolation, one is now ready to enter one's WONDERLAND. Go on and find yours!!

Question to Ponder

If we are unable to understand how we create our own realities how can we expect to know how to change or enhance our lives and those around us?

Some Points of Louise Hay's Philosophy

We are each responsible for all our experiences.

Every Thought we think is creating our future.

The point of power is always in the present moment.

Everyone suffers from self-hatred and guilt.

The bottom line for everyone is " I am not good enough"

Its only a thought and a thought can be changed.

We create every so-called illness in our body.

Resentment, criticism and guilt are the most damaging patterns.

Releasing resentment will dissolves even cancer.

We must release the past and forgive everyone.

We must be willing to begin to learn to love ourselves.

Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the keys to positive change.

When we really love ourselves everything in our life works.

Another Day Another Bed

Taking the guesswork out of your Health

Why leave your health until its too late? Especially when we are wired to receive important messages from our body way before the illness manifests. How? By identifying your thought patterns and listening to the subtle communication our entire body sends us every moment. We can only tune into this when we have switched off the mental noise that incessantly drowns out these all-important warning signals.

Once we are intent upon being still and being aware of our breath every few hours every day we will become better and better in arresting an illness..

Louise Hay's Workshop on the Mind Body Connection does exactly that..teaches you important ways to understand the all encompassing awareness of your consciousness to provide clues to recovery.

For more information or if you are interested in registering your place at the next 3 hour Workshop please visit


Are you ready to step on stage and bask in your own dazzling luminescence? Over 2 days you will be walked through the key stages of the hero’s journey giving you the opportunity to apply your own intuitive wisdom and life experiences to gain a deeper understanding of your mind and make some of the most important steps in your heroic life.

Check out for more details!!

I promise it will not disappoint those who are looking to emabark on a grand journey.

Beautiful Teaching by Eckhart Tolle

Dogs are from Venus and Cats are from Mars...good for our souls

I know some people out there in our world who make the outrageous demand that cats should or must endeavour to behave more like dogs. Its like wishing canaries could be eagles or cows could be more like wombats or ... That would not really be so disconcerting if not for the implications it engenders.
Let me make myself more clear by first saying that the very need in some of us to want all cats to be more like dogs means that we can only accept some limited version of the universe. Given our one-sided understanding of the nature of our Universe and its creation we as yet do not know what the rightful place of every creature is in the overall picture. No, we dont even fully know their true purpose or the truth behind their behaviours. Barely do we understand ourselves and our own place and perhaps thats why the ridiculous demand in the first place!!! We know Carl Jung was right on spot when he said we perceive our world by projecting our unresolved emotions onto the external world to get some resolution...You can read this again if you like.
Not being too impressed with cats who do not perform tricks or behave in exactly the way you want them to before you will allow your affection (wont call it love yet) to show least of all because they do not pander to your egotistical natures is a start to investigating into our own psyches...especially the blanket statement that all cats are selfish!!! Chances are the people who cast these allegations usually have no clue about what they are talking about because they have never had a cat themselves!! Yes you know who you are..these beliefs are absorbed from the media or family or peers or just a really poor film not creative enough to let go of stereotypes!
Lets agree that those who claim that some creatures are less intelligent or worthy of love because they have not figured out what you think is the benchmark of intelligence (using a computer or speaking the same language as yourself) or unconditional love (chasing a stick or rolling over on command) are only advertising their own dazzling ignorance characterised by limited awareness and a closed mind.
The implications on our immediate reality is also worth noting. For example, if you believe that everyone must behave according to the list of appropriate behaviours you have set out for them its not very unlike Nazi Germany. Just give it a thought. What is it about some creatures that we find difficult to accept..are we unaccepting of a part of ourselves? Where have we picked up the wrong message? How liberating to be OK with all that surrounds us and still have a big happy heart within..Lastly, if all cats were dogs would they not be named dogs???????

Managing the Internal LOUDSPEAKER

How often have we confused the voice in our heads as our true identity? How often do we really allow ourselves to be in the space between two thoughts? How much do we rely on the incessant internal negativity script to become the foundation upon which we build our sense of self worth? And yet all the thoughts we bow down to are merely repititive and filtered through our various internal screening mechanisms. We perceive our world and by default our selves as that image or belief we often find floating through our minds. Of these thoughts we barely touch the essence of our true selves..our perfect and whole selves..

The only way to counter the inner dialogue that is self--destructive and ego-based is to ground one's self in moments that transcend mental noise and comes from a place that is forever pure and eternal. YOU!

Lets entertain our thoughts as we would a fleeting visitor..accepting them without any hostility but always remembering that this visitor is but passing through.

And the Oscar goes to..

Now that the Oscars are round the corner and the glamour of the red carpet lures television audiences all around the world its only appropriate to ask the burning question..How important are YOU in your life? How often do you honor yourself by taking a bow and expressing the gratitude for a life well endowed with everything you really need to be joyous?

Or are you sulking in some corner for things that are now officially termed "ancient"? Anxious for what might become in the imaginary concept of your "future"? Are you waiting on the sidelines so that "something" "someone" "somehow" your name will be called out and then you will "allow" yourself to step into the limelight and bask in all its glory??

How about walking the red carpet of your life NOW? How about proclaiming your sheer dazzling brilliance as you read this? When was the last time you looked in the mirror and fell in love?

Because in your life, there are no other nominees and only one indisputable winner..YOU!!!!

Time to start rehearsing your acceptance speech...

Survival of the Fittest Thought Patterns

Today a thought floated through my head (amongst 60,000 others) that relates to Darwin's,' Survival of the Fittest' theory..And here it is:
Can it be a possibility that our unproductive or useless thoughts get weeded out in the same way as a species gets extinct after failing to adapt or the form of illnesses and ultimately premature death? Those thought patterns that are toxic to Life and just do not help in the continued forward march of humanity are best removed from our planet..these mental aberrations somehow cannot grow beyond the limitations which they created in the first place and thus have no choice but to the level of the body of course! The eternal, perfect spirit which characterises our true essence then merges somewhere else and continues its journey in another physical plane..

Maybe we need to understand the motivation that guides rapid multiplication of carcinogenic cells as more than a cellular phenomenon..its heralding a faulty thought processing function that has gone awry for too long and which needs urgent repair..or else be prepared for early exit.

Well its worth a thought!