Astrology for sceptics

The other day I was amused to find that my key strengths from a respectable Psychometric Survey mirrored what I knew all along. That I was a Sagittarius with a Leo ascendant!! Yes, to the extent that the top four of my key strengths were what is described in the opening description of the astrological sun sign. This made me chuckle! Only because I have always had weird and quizzical glances whenever I happen to mention the topic of astrology to my friends and sometimes acquaintances. Its almost a silent, "you are way too intelligent to believe i that rubbish". And so I usually never discuss this any further.

However this survey designed by a world renowned psychologist only confirmed that which I always was inclined to believe...that there is truth to Astrology. As much as I agree that a newspaper column foretelling your future is the tragedy of commercial astrology whereby a very generalist (and therefore useless) reading misguides its readers, there is the newspaper itself. I mean how much published today in the media can we really believe?? What is the benchmark or proof for us to say," yes, I believe this". Can we ever accept that which is not tested in a laboratory? What about Social Psychology and all its constructs? The experiments are used as a basis for social policy, school curriculums, recruitment practices..etc etc. Are we to blindly follow the precepts laid out in a Social Lab only because it has apparent academic rigour?? But it is not true! The end of every published psychological theory or experiment ends with a note of limitations and exceptions. Hmmm.

So to wrap up, if you don't believe your personality has any relation to your birth date and least know what you are rejecting.
