On Money and Abundance

I had a client come in the other day very distressed and seething with anger because her fiancé had just blown their entire savings on furniture. She was going to move in with him in about 6 months and so they were looking to start anew together. A brand new phase called for brand new things.

What upset her most was the fact that he did not care that they now had virtually no savings and that the stuff her fiancé had bought was on an impulse. She felt it could wait and be bought slowly over a period of time. His rationale was that he did not allow money to control him. She on the other hand was fearful that this might not be the first or the last time. She did not feel comfortable not having any savings in the bank and was nervous about how life together was going to pan out. Was she going to have to always be worried about the future? What about her hard earned savings?? She also admitted that she was feeling mildly depressed and had been brooding all week long.

How often have we all struggled with issues around money? Or have watched others around us grapple with prosperity and abundance like it was a puzzle that they just found too hard to solve!

The belief systems that both my client and her fiancé had about money were equally limited in their nature. My client believed it was a finite entity that was to be held on to tightly lest it all slip away and there is nothing left. The fiancé on the other hand believed that there was no guarantee what the future will be like, it is now or never. Buy it now and regret later. As the law of the universe states that what we focus upon grows. Both beliefs were limited because of the nature in which they manifested as feelings in them. One was feeling angry, depressed and moody. The other impulsive, impatient and self-righteous.

I suggested to my client to view this as an unusual opportunity to address her limited beliefs about money and also as an opening to a new way of communicating with her fiancé. The talk about how they would spend, draw up some rules around spending limits and also share their insecurities about money. Be grateful that this has come up for their mutual acknowledgement and use it to strengthen both their relationship and also their sense of security around money issues.

There was also the issue about my client being uncomfortable about her fiancé being too generous and lenient about giving money to his family.  Now while this is certainly compensatory behavior on the part of the fiancé, the fact remains that his outlook on money cannot impinge on the health of my client until and unless she allows it. The only way to allow others to be who they are and allow them to learn the lessons they will ultimately learn can only happen when we allow ourselves first. My client had to learn to allow her to be generous to her self and not be scared by limiting beliefs about money. Her fiancé too needed to not attach his sense of self-worth to his ability to shell out cash to needy family members. Instead he had to form a new thought pattern that he valued money and used it to empower others, not just to make him self feel good temporarily.

The fact remains that money is a human concept invented for convenience and out of a sense of maintaining order and justice. So therefore if you ask yourself what are your beliefs about Money you will realize that it is the meaning you give to the piece of currency that either gives you a sense of power or to make you feel like a helpless victim.

If you believe that money is equal to your sense of self worth and value then of course you will defend it vehemently at the cost of your own sense of peace and wellbeing. There will be a need to save and store; a sense of guilt when you spend more than you had promised yourself; anger and rage at the thought of losing it; inability to share and give generously.

On the other hand if your beliefs about money are limitless, abundant and constantly increasing then there is no real threat to your sense of wellbeing and peace. There will be no shopping sprees and crazy designer brand obsession because you know that there is always enough and that your skills, abilities and intuitive guidance will always ensure that you have enough for yourself and enough to give others.

This is a season of giving and therefore lets share what we have and give what we can rest assured in the knowledge that all the money we ever want is here and now in the planet seeking a way to access you if only you would allow it to enter your life through your belief system.

“My income is constantly increasing and I attract prosperity and abundance wherever I go”