Till kids do us apart


My recently published article for busy mums..
read it below or go here     

    It is a truth universally acknowledged that a couple who are now proud parents of beautiful babies might not be indulging in carnal pleasures as often as they would like!
    There are various reasons commonly cited for this state of affairs; pun not intended. It could be the energy-sapping and highly physical activity of looking after young kids whose lives are totally dependent upon you. Or it could well be that you are hurtling from pillar to post trying to outsmart the 24 hour clock. Or it could be that you and your partner have known each other for a while now and so there is that common conclusion that the ‘discovering each other’ stage has formally been laid…to rest.
    While these are perfectly understandable excuses (yes they are excuses and wait till you finish this article before you throw that diaper on my head)…the fact is that we are unaware of a whole heap of presumptions that are operating here below the surface in our heads. Presumptions that come in the way of pleasure and intimacy. Presumptions, due to their very nature, that remain, unchallenged and accepted as the truth.

    What are these presumptions you ask? Well here are a few to rattle you, lets see how many ticks you get in the list below- (Feel free to say it out loud and actually hear yourself say it. It might feel strange but you are reading this hiding in a cupboard anyway so there is nothing to lose!)

1.   ‘There is nothing new or exciting about him/her to discover!’
2.    ‘I know him/her only too well!’
3.    ‘It is a part of being a parent.’
4.    ‘I can’t be bothered.’
5.    ‘Sexual attraction does not last, eventually it always fades’.
6.   ‘ It is important that the children’s needs are met first’.
7.   ‘I am too tired!’
8.   ‘ Honestly, I rather eat a chocolate muffin’ or ‘cake’.
9.   ‘ Maybe when the children are older’.

So this list is not by any means exhaustive (although it is absolutely exhausting reading it). Add your unique twist to this list by all means. This list can be as long as the number of parents who need to rekindle the old flames again.

Why are they presumptions you are debating with a slightly threatening tone. Well because…

1. You actually do not know your partner as well as you think you do. Just take this for a fact and work from this point. For example, play a 20 questions game. Ask him to have you guess 20 things about him that you do not know. Surprise yourself! Take this game to bed. Whatever brought you and your partner together still remains within you. Maybe a little dormant of late, but it can and will be awakened as soon you are ready for it!

2. Acknowledge all the little pleasures of your day and actively note it. Maybe you can keep a Pleasure journal where all your daily pleasurable moments are recorded. It can be really simple things. Like the sun on your face, the scent of your partner’s favourite after-shave/perfume, your cat kneading on your tummy, swaying to soft music while cooking, lighting a fragrant candle and sinking into a bath, eating your favourite meal slowly, getting crafty and creating something…go on create your list!

3. Why the Pleasure Journal? Well the more pleasure you feel in your day, the more aroused your senses are and the more ‘in the mood’ you will be with your partner. Stress, Blame and Anger are your number one mood killers. More than your packed day, it is your emotional reaction to it that is taking out the pleasure from your day.

4. Begin and end your day with Gratitude. When you can truly appreciate your life and everything about it: the past, the present and your imminent future you appear more attractive to your partner, you are vibrating at the frequency of joy and love which in turn attracts more joy and love to you.

5. Get physical. That means go for a walk or a short run. Treat your body like it is your most valuable asset (which it is except we just don’t act like it). When your body is buzzing and feeling good, your sex drive is not too far away.

6.  Lastly, mix it up. Taking time out for pleasure can be varied each time. A quick unexpected one or a planned one. Mix and match. Keep it free from routine.

    Imagine what this would mean for your kids?? 
    I mean, 'Have you ever felt depressed or scared seeing your parents happy and buzzing??' I am going to assume the negative. And so commit to this for the sake of your children.

You will be exemplifying what it really means to have your family so that when they grow up they can confidently declare:

“My parents knew how to have fun, lust after each other and love us to bits”. Sigh!

Already know this stuff but cannot apply this to your life? For clarity, confidence and practical tips please check out www.blissfulmantra.com.au where you can also subscribe to my channel and receive a weekly short training video absolutely free!