What are you waiting for?

Ever been at a waiting lounge? Have you looked at the people who are waiting? How do they appear?

Unless they are children, not overtly happy or content I am guessing.

So what is it about waiting that strips us of all our joy and enthusiasm? Why is not even remotely fun to wait? 

I wrote this while waiting for my passport pages got updated.


What a terrible word. It seems to hang heavily in the air. Limbo-land. 

Are you playing the waiting game? And if it is not fun why are you playing it?

Instead why not play the game like you really want? To win.

If you are waiting for love, find something that makes you feel more loving. If you are waiting to be successful, celebrate your little wins. If you are waiting to be healthy, give yourself a break.

Everything you wait for is already within you, just waiting for you to connect to it. 

When you connect to what you love to feel, you feel like sharing it with the world and the world is just a little better because of it. 

And the game of waiting transforms into an opportunity to arrive.