To live in the hope that something, someone or some place will get better in the "future" is a classic pattern of the mind to delude us in believing that what we are or what we have is not good enough "yet". It is this very same repetitive thought pattern which pretends to be your friend when in fact it only succeeds in keeping you in a state of limbo. Or worse in a state of non-acceptance of self and your life with all its aspects included. Within a mental plane that rejects continuously the life that you have, the physical dimensions you embody and the relationships which you form you are stuck in a place of perpetual discontentment.
It is no doubt a tricky garb that the subconscious employs because we are "hopeful" and we find "motivation" in the imaginary land of tomorrow or the next day. But what is really the effect of this pattern of thinking? The very least effect is that it removes you totally from the pristine moment of where you are and hauls you into a place of non-gratitude. Because something somewhere someone always promises to be better than what you are or have or is.
But what if you placed you faith in your life and its relationships around it in such a way that you had no doubt at all within your mind that what you have, who you are, where you are and with whom you share your life with is exactly in the perfect time and space sequence?? Would you then not only be grateful for all that is and all that has been but also vibrate with an attractor field which increasingly attracts more to you as you are now in a state of receiving and not rejecting.
Try this today..Go through your day accepting and feeling grateful for everything and everyone that happens to come in your life. With an attitude of gratitude where you do not wish for anything to be different that what it is. Experience the exhilaration and the peace that follows. Feel the essence of how beautiful life really is and how you are blessed beyond your understanding.
It is no doubt a tricky garb that the subconscious employs because we are "hopeful" and we find "motivation" in the imaginary land of tomorrow or the next day. But what is really the effect of this pattern of thinking? The very least effect is that it removes you totally from the pristine moment of where you are and hauls you into a place of non-gratitude. Because something somewhere someone always promises to be better than what you are or have or is.
But what if you placed you faith in your life and its relationships around it in such a way that you had no doubt at all within your mind that what you have, who you are, where you are and with whom you share your life with is exactly in the perfect time and space sequence?? Would you then not only be grateful for all that is and all that has been but also vibrate with an attractor field which increasingly attracts more to you as you are now in a state of receiving and not rejecting.
Try this today..Go through your day accepting and feeling grateful for everything and everyone that happens to come in your life. With an attitude of gratitude where you do not wish for anything to be different that what it is. Experience the exhilaration and the peace that follows. Feel the essence of how beautiful life really is and how you are blessed beyond your understanding.