How often do we perceive the stress and pain in our lives as a gift? The answer for most of us is Never! And the very question stirs up a curious suspicion in your mind even as you read this..for why would anyone welcome stress? Or say "Hello, Pain! Thank you for being here. I am so grateful to have you in my life". It does seem counter-intuitive on the surface for most of us conditioned to stuff our so-called undesired negative experiences/sensations with pills or food or other diversions. Because we say that this pain, challenge or stress in our lives is so very annoying. We say, we want to 'get rid' of this damn 'problem' as soon as possible. Most of us treat this problem as the end point instead of the starting point. The starting point of a new relationship with our body.
But how many times have we stopped and asked ourselves, 'why is it here in the first place?' Surely the fact that we are nothing short of a miracle of creation (which we all occasionally acknowledge we are), we can safely assume that this grand miracle was not designed to create itself from a single-cell organism and then hastily left to fend for itself when things went off-balance?? If that which created the magnificence of our body did not leave anything unattended to, then we know that just as our wounds start clotting to prevent excess loss of blood and other daily miracles, our bodies are absolutely built to perfection. Created as self-regenerating, healing beings which needs only our due acknowledgement before the millions and trillions of our beautiful miracle-worker cells in our bodies can go about their business to heal us.
But we do not listen to the body when it speaks to us do we? Like a child it begs our attention in the only way it knows how, by doing things so we can stop and pay attention to it.
The next time your body dialogues with you, please listen to it. Ask it what you can do to assist it in its healing. What extra care can you offer? It is sticking to its end of the bargain by working 24/7 for your wellbeing, all it asks of you in return is your love. Love offered through forgiveness. Love offered through meditation. Love offered by keeping positive affirmations in your head. Love offered as a vision of perfect health in the mind's eye.
Go to a mirror and look at your body and say," My beautiful body, I accept you as a creation of the highest intelligence in the Universe. I am grateful to house the spirit of pure love within me. I love you unconditionally and allow you to heal without creating any mind-made interferences. I am ready to release any resistance and start my healing journey."