The holy trinity on which all health depends upon is that of the Mind, Body and the Spirit. Any misalignment in these causes an imbalance of the elements which make up our sense of wellbeing. Caroline Myss's wonderful book "Defy Gravity" implores us to surrender to our own internal healing mechanisms by giving up the intellectual investigation of the illness and its causes. This is because healing is different from curing.
How is one to grasp fully that which lies in the realm of the magical unknown universe of our body?? How can we even imagine to outthink that which has created us?? But alas, we the thinkers only permit rationale, logic and reason into the world of health and wellbeing. By doing this we ignore an important aspect of our own healing: that the mind and the body is ONE. Therefore that which is sick cannot see beyond its own sickness..the very mental package that has led the body to a certain imbalance cannot therefore reorganise itself as it does not include itself in the process of healing. Its like telling the blind to lead you down the alley.
So give up the need to always know the how and why and instead trust the process of life to keep you safe and give you whatever it is that you need to grow and get better on the journey.