The issue of Closure

Of late every time I have watched the headlines on the news or a talk show the topic of closure gets bandied about a lot. The question every one asks, "So does the death of Osama provide you with closure? " or " Does the death of the world's biggest terrorist give its victims a sense of closure?"

A closure connoting a gaping hole which has been left bleeding in the hearts of those who have lost a loved one and been left bereft since which has now has been sealed. But this means that we somehow believe that something or someone out there has to change before you can start feeling peaceful. Before you can acknowledge the love in your heart once again. This precludes one's free will to choose. To choose to be OK. To choose to live in the present and look at the life you have chosen as a gift. A journey of your soul that has evolved and seeks to grow with each experience if you allow it.

Like Marianne Williamson points out in A Return to Love:

It is not the hurt that you felt or the love that was denied to you in the past but the hurt that you feel and the love that you deny yourself now that is source of all your suffering.

Let us not forget what history has taught us. Hate begets more hatred. The seeds of any truly positive transformation are sown with love and forgiveness. It is the only way to personal peace and freedom from the tyrannies of the mind which keeps us locked out in the past or dangling in the uncertain future.

Forgiveness is not condoning any act but claiming your own power to choose to be happy in every moment. Forgiveness is not giving up or resigning with a broken heart. Forgiveness is an act of power, a very effective but under-utilised action from the bottom of your heart.