Dogs are from Venus and Cats are from Mars...good for our souls

I know some people out there in our world who make the outrageous demand that cats should or must endeavour to behave more like dogs. Its like wishing canaries could be eagles or cows could be more like wombats or ... That would not really be so disconcerting if not for the implications it engenders.
Let me make myself more clear by first saying that the very need in some of us to want all cats to be more like dogs means that we can only accept some limited version of the universe. Given our one-sided understanding of the nature of our Universe and its creation we as yet do not know what the rightful place of every creature is in the overall picture. No, we dont even fully know their true purpose or the truth behind their behaviours. Barely do we understand ourselves and our own place and perhaps thats why the ridiculous demand in the first place!!! We know Carl Jung was right on spot when he said we perceive our world by projecting our unresolved emotions onto the external world to get some resolution...You can read this again if you like.
Not being too impressed with cats who do not perform tricks or behave in exactly the way you want them to before you will allow your affection (wont call it love yet) to show least of all because they do not pander to your egotistical natures is a start to investigating into our own psyches...especially the blanket statement that all cats are selfish!!! Chances are the people who cast these allegations usually have no clue about what they are talking about because they have never had a cat themselves!! Yes you know who you are..these beliefs are absorbed from the media or family or peers or just a really poor film not creative enough to let go of stereotypes!
Lets agree that those who claim that some creatures are less intelligent or worthy of love because they have not figured out what you think is the benchmark of intelligence (using a computer or speaking the same language as yourself) or unconditional love (chasing a stick or rolling over on command) are only advertising their own dazzling ignorance characterised by limited awareness and a closed mind.
The implications on our immediate reality is also worth noting. For example, if you believe that everyone must behave according to the list of appropriate behaviours you have set out for them its not very unlike Nazi Germany. Just give it a thought. What is it about some creatures that we find difficult to accept..are we unaccepting of a part of ourselves? Where have we picked up the wrong message? How liberating to be OK with all that surrounds us and still have a big happy heart within..Lastly, if all cats were dogs would they not be named dogs???????